Digital pH Meter of ISTEK is wide & clear backlit LDC display installed, fast, accurate, easy to use and can display pH, temperature, and time simultaneously.
Portable pH Meter of ISTEK, backlight custom LCD display installed, is fast, accurate and easy to use with pH, temp, and time simultaneously displayed.
Dissolved Oxygen Meter of ISTEK has simultaneous display of DO(O2/Air)&temp&time and auto compensation for temp& barometric pressure, rechargeable battery.
Conductivity Meter of ISTEK has display of EC(salinity/TDS)& temp& time, automatic compensation for temp, alarm displays at hi/low limit, auto ranging, etc.
Multi 90i of istek product, is simultaneously measure and display pH, ORP, DO, Conductivity, Salinity (orTDS),Temperature.
Multi Controller is measuring up to 6 items at the same time. pH/ORP/DO(Optical)/Conductivity/Turbidity/Ion(NH4-N, NO3)/Chloropyll/blue-green algae are available.
BOD Incubator, Precise temperature control, Excellent Temperature Uniformity, Simultaneous display of the current temperature & set temperature.
Portable MLSS/SS/Turbidity,750 Monitor, provides quick and accurate readings of Suspended Solids, Sludge Blanket Level, and Turbidity.
pH Controller HP960RS is displaying pH & temp at once and it has Upper & Lower limit setting notification. RS485 Communication is available as well.
ISTEK is a manufacturer in the field of laboratory/portable type water
quality analyzer & on-line analyzer (pH, suspendid solid, COD, residual
chlorine) More Information.